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Don’t Lose Your 2025 Benefits! MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TODAY and get $200 off any procedure excluding X-rays and Exams!

Midtown Location Now Open

Dr. Terrance L. Jeter & Associates have expanded! We are excited to announce that we opened a second location in January, 2020 conveniently located in Midtown Atlanta. Dr. Jeter and Staff have created a warm, friendly , and relaxing environment as making our patients feel comfortable is our number one priority. Furthermore, our building has free on site parking which makes us unique and easy to get to as it can be challenging to find free parking in the heart of the city.

After successfully owning a practice in Decatur for over 28 years, we are proud to now be serving our patients in both Decatur and Midtown Atlanta.

In the News

Dr. Terrance L. Jeter & Associates was honored that the grand opening celebration of their Midtown Atlanta location was featured in the March 2020 issue of the Midtown Lifestyle publication. Thanks Midtown Lifestyle for highlighting our 2nd location.

Cosmetic & Family Dental Care
You Can Count on

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