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Meet Dr. Jeter: President and Founder

Dr. Terrance L. Jeter is passionate about dentistry. He was inspired to become a dentist at the age of 10. Therefore, to have the abilities to get up everyday and make a difference in the lives of his patients by teaching them good oral hygiene and creating beautiful smiles is a dream come true. He has enjoyed practicing dentistry for over 30 years and looks forwards to serving your dental needs.

Dr. Jeter


Dr. Jeter has been enthusiastically practicing dentistry for over 30 years and is a 1984 graduate of Morehouse College. He went on to pursue his life long dream of becoming a dentist at Fairleigh Dickinson College of Dental Medicine in Hackensack, New Jersey where he graduated with honors in 1988. Additionally, he completed his post graduate work at Emory University.


Dr. Jeter is involved in numerous organizations including the Health Careers Society at Morehouse College, The American Dental Association, The Georgia Dental Association, and  the North Georgia Dental Society where he served as president for 2 terms. He is also a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.


While Dr. Jeter does many things to help others in need, one of his greatest joys over the past 13 years is to volunteer at the Ben Massell  Dental Clinic monthly to assist families improve their dental health. He has further been involved in the community by offering scholarship money to students who are entering college. Additionally, he mentors pre dental students at Morehouse College.

Fun Facts

Dr. Jeter has been married to his wife, Angie Barrington-Jeter , for over 26 years and is the proud father of two sons, Austin and Chase. He enjoys playing golf, laughing, watching sports, playing the drums, traveling, especially to the beach, and hanging out with the family including their beautiful dog.

Dr. Jeter and his staff look forward to serving you with a smile!

“I enjoy using my gift of dentistry to be a blessing to help others.”

Dr. Terrance L. Jeter

Cosmetic & Family Dental Care
You Can Count on

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